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Inhumane Foster-Care Campaigns


Currently campaigns are in circulation in the Norwegian media for the recruitment of new foster parents.

The Health and Social council's Øystein Eriksen Søreide has appointed these five people as so-called goodwill ambassadors for foster care: Mia Gundersen (actress and singer), Marcel Lelienhof (photographer, video director, writer and picture editor), Gazala Naseem (teacher), Elisabeth Ludvigsen (formerly foster child) and Cathrine Monrad Hagen (doctor).
Gay communities are contacted by the Child- Youth- and Family Department (Bufetat) to find new foster candidates. This is done with campaign videos, articles and chat on social networking sites as "Gaysir" and "observe."
"An additional strength in same-sex couples may be that they have an understanding of what it is like to be different," says Mari Trommald, Child- Youth- and Family Department (Bufetat) to the newspaper Aftenposten, a comment that does not hide a stigmatizing attitude towards children who have been placed in foster-care.

It is a fact that a staggering number of children in Norway is unlawfully taken from their normal families by force, often by use of police brutality, suffering life-threatening psychological damage in the process and forced into foster care against their own and the  families' will. The children are in a huge number of cases denied contact with their own families.
The children lack legal protection as the country provably lacks an independent judiciary to protect children's human right to be with their own family.

We see what children are exposed to today, by what we call child protection services (barnevernet) with their supporters in law enforcement, Bufetat, fylkesnemd, experts, supervisors, judges, etc. is defines as torture.

Amnesty International defines "deliberate and premeditated attack on a person's psyche, body and dignity, by a public official or someone acting with governmental approval."
UN Torture Committee fights "all forms of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ....."

Victims testify about child protection service-employees, and supervisors, who actually grin when children scream of pain when they are brutally dragged away from their parents laps. THEY TESTIFY ABOUT POLICE BRUTALITY DIRECTED TOWARDS CHILDREN. The police are active in spreading fear, by illegally assisting the so called social services performing illegal child-abductions. Witnesses tell us  about use of weapons, handcuffs and massive physical force against children when overpowered by a number of police officers who storm their houses without a  court-order, forcefully  taking children from normal families.

It can alo be mentioned that Attorney Sverre Kvilhaug refers to research on separation injury, that is internationally recognized to ensure children's right to have parents with them, such as when hospitalized.
Separation injuries are serious injuries to the child's body and psyche, occuring when the child is separated from the mother at an early age.
Despite the renowned research, the number of forceful separations of young children from their families, has increased dramatically in Norway.
The death toll in foster care industry is soaring. 1-2 children per week, die an unnatural death as a direct result of what they are exposed to by government employees, among them foster-care employees, states the NIBR report from 2005.
It would be reasonable to assume that the number of deaths has increased proportionally with the dramatic increase in foster care placements.

We should be concerned about the fact that the recent figures are not published, but withheld from public.

Norway is criticized by The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for the high number of children in foster care. Under the country's hearing in the UN Human Rights Council, Norway was criticized by many countries for the same, and the fact that many children are  abused in foster care and institutions. The controversial policy has also received negative media coverage in many countries, among them Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Somalia, Brazil ...

Foster parents are not parents, and I think they make a serious intervention in a child's identity and inherent dignity by calling themselves his or her parents. Foster parents are government employees, paid by the state to care for children responsibly.
The fact that Mia Gundersen publicly announces herself as Mommy for her foster-child, while  promoting the foster- care industry, is in my opinion a serious violation on the child and the family in general. It must be emphaziced that I do not have any knowledge of the family in general.

Foster parents, as employees of the state, are public officials, and should be prosecuted by the Penal Code of Crime in Public Service, if  they contribute to inflicting harm on children.
Unfortunately, we constantly hear about serious violations on children's rights in foster care.
Many foster parents also provably contribute to the production of "evidence" against the parents who are fighting to get home children who have been forcefully separated from their families, staged by the so called social services.  Children's maladjustment is often blamed on neglect by their parents, without proof of such. Often foster parents attribute the child's depression, rage and reticence, to their childhood before they were separated from their families, instead of the actual assault when they were abducted by force from their homes, often illegally. Many of the children taken from their families, show such severe symptoms that they are forcibly medicated for various conditions. This again is often used as evidence against the parents.

Children have a human right to regular family contact, and to be able to influence their own situation. Many witnesses tell about foster parents, often politically motivated, deliberately hinder childrens possibilities for family contact, and telling the child that the parents do not care about their off-spring.
These isolation tactics lead to unimaginable damage to a child.

If Gundersen's callous and humiliating advertising to be "Mommy" to her foster-child, now would cause excruciating pain in one of the child's family members, and the person could not bare to live with the pain and humiliation, could Gundersen be prosecuted with over twenty years in prison for torture resulting in death.

Even though the children's human right to be with their families, is not respected by the country's judges, child abduction is not an internationally accepted practice.
To support and encourage the inhumane treatment of children, that Norway is criticized for internationally, will also fall under international law, with severe penalties.

The major national media channels / newspapers today provide almost exclusively support to the state and recommend the brutal state practice of forceful separation of normal families. Those responsible should also here fall under international jurisdiction, by supporting systematic violations on human inherent rights.
Many victims have tried to contact different TV channels and newspaper in Norway with evidence of extensive abuse from various stakeholders in child welfare cases, without the media's willingness to highlight these abuses. Instead they choose to portray perpetrators from the so called social services, and their supporters, as heroes and rescuers.

Before  recruiting new fosterhomes /foster employees, free the children who are held illegally in state custody, their dignity violated and denied family contact, siblings in separate foster institutions.

The time has come to let go of trying to cover up the brutality, torture and murder of children.
We know. The world knows. We are numerous.

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